Monday, May 23, 2005

Pod Casting

You all know what Pod Casting is, but do you know where to go to find content? Here are some pod cast directories:

Podcast Alley - this directory has the Top 10 Podcasts (as voted by the listeners). The site also has software, forums and general podcast information.

Doppler Radio is a podcast aggregator. It’s a tool to subscribe to RSS feeds which supply downloadable files. Doppler will go out and fetch the files enclosed in the RSS feed and will automatically add them to your preferred media player

Ipodder Directory is a decentralized, categorized directory of links to podcast feeds.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Dogpile Meta Search Engine

Chris Sherman at Search Engine Watch has written an article about the enhancements at Dogpile: "Dogpile Enhances Meta Search, Offers Comparison Tools"
"Dogpile has redesigned its meta search site and introduced a nifty new utility that visually displays the overlap (or lack thereof) of results from the multiple search engines it queries."

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Star Wars' Fans

Did Vader rejoin the force when he died? Tish Wells, Knight Ridder Washington Bureau Researcher answers your questions on the Star Wars series.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Saturday, May 14 help the National Association of Letter Carriers stamp out hunger. Put some non-perishable food items in a bag and place it by your mailbox. Your letter carrier will pick it up and deliver it to a local food bank.

Do not include out-of-date items or those in glass containers.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Search Engine Math

This 2001 article by Danny Sullivan, at Search Engine Watch is still a great primer on using search engines.
Some of his math tips: 1. use the + symbol to make sure specific words or phrases are used (+apple +computer) 2. use the - symbol to exclude words (+apple -computer)

Friday, May 06, 2005

Best Places for Doing Business in America 2005

Inc. Magazine examined 274 population centers, looking for job creation and other signs that businesses are thriving. Here is their report.

Hispanic Resource

Aguilar Productions and, in partnership with the James J. Hill Reference Library, brings you information on the Hispanic community. You have to register, but it is free. Demographics, statistics, research, white papers and more.