Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Monday, September 29, 2003

Just Arrived in the Library:
The Business Journal: FAST 50 2003: The Triad's 50 fastest-growing private companies

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

FACTS FOR FEATURES: The US Census Bureau just released a fact sheet on the Telecommunications Industry and Telephones in the US -
"Dialing for Dollars"
A grass-roots group of leading computer scientists, backed by Intel and other heavyweight industrial sponsors, is working on replacing today’s Internet with a faster, more secure, and vastly smarter network: PlanetLab. Read the article.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

ACES - American Copy Editors Society's web site features a discussion board, references, resources, quizzes and much more.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 - October 15, 2003
Hispanics--United States--Statistics
Source: U.S. Census
Fact Sheet About Hispanics in the U.S.

Campaign Disclosure--United States
Source: California Voter Foundation, the Center for Governmental Studies and
the UCLA School of Law
New Full-Text Report, Grading State Disclosure: North Carolina's Grade: C- and Overall Rank:17

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Sharing What You Know
Steve Buttry compiled this excellent handout on how to train fellow journalists:
Share what you know

Wednesday, September 10, 2003


For determining telephone carrier for a known phone numer or the carrier for an area code:

Phone Number Analysis at the top of the page is free.
Use the format 1 XXX XXXXXXX for US numbers.
It should give you the area and carrier.

Use the The Wayback Machine to browse through 30 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago.

The 2003 Edition of the CIA World Factbook is Now Online

Projections of Education Statistics to 2012

Annual Report Gallery is an up-to-date listing of annual reports and related financial reports for publicly traded companies.

MSN Money U.S. investment portal site (microsoft - don't shoot) is very useful. Note the links for the following services in the left column

* Snapshot (Overview, licensed content from Hoover's)
* Key Developments (very useful!!!!!!!)
* Insider Trading (Material licensed from Thomson)
* Ownership Data (Licensed from ComputerShare)
* SEC Filings (Note Availability in PDF, and Word Formats

Multex Investor (now part of Reuters) offers company snapshots for free.
About 75-100 words. You'll need to register, free.